As we begin to see the Government ease lockdown restrictions nationally, more and more business leaders and entrepreneurs are looking to reopen their companies. Unfortunately, this is not as simple as it seems. Along with the new norm, there are new workplace must-haves and must-follow that business owners must adhere to, to minimize potential health risks in the workplace.
Tips to Managing Your Employees Post-COVID19
#1 Make Wearing Masks Mandatory
Time and time again, we hear experts emphasizing the importance of masks in preventing the spread of not just COVID-19, but other viral infections as well as the flu. Days or weeks before the resumption of office operations, publish multiple memos that reiterate the mandatory use of facial masks within the workplace. Along with the usual "No ID No Entry" try putting up "No Mask No Entry" signages as well. Also, try to consider providing these masks to employees for free.
#2 Provide Rubbing Alcohol Stations Generously Across the Office
Providing multiple rubbing alcohol stations within the office goes hand-in-hand with the mask rule. Besides providing anti-bacterial and anti-viral handsoaps on company sinks, it is best to have these rubbing alcohol stations strategically and generously placed throughout the office for easy access. These stations will also serve as a reminder to keep their hands clean. Try to consider automatic alcohol dispensers or the pedaled ones.
#3 Emphasize or Enforce the Importance of Staying at Home When Sick
A change in mindset can go a long way in minimizing health risks in the workplace. Make sure that employees know that it is okay to use SLs whenever they feel under the weather.
#4 Adopt a Strict No Sharing Policy
It might sound selfish and expensive to adopt a strict no sharing policy, but it is essential to minimize the potential risk of spreading COVID-19. Office computers, staplers, chairs, and the like should be in a 1:1 basis.
#5 Maximize Work-From-Home Schemes
Analyze the workforce structure in your business and try to keep employees working from home whenever possible. Even though it differs from each person, working from home can sometimes produce great productivity results. Try employing systems, such asLilo, that promote employee productivity when working remotely.
Tips to Managing Your Business Post-COVID19
#1 Check with the Local Government
It is imperative to check with the local government for COVID-19 updates or other lockdown announcements. Information about local outbreaks or clusters will be essential in making sound company decisions. They can also provide vital information regarding logistics and restrictions in the area. Take note of your employees' or suppliers' difficulty in reaching your office building when there are vehicular restrictions in the vicinity. The management might have to provide shuttles or runners to offset these problems.
#2 Analyze the Financial Damage
Have a clear picture of the problem to create a clear path to bouncing back. Calculate how much you lost during the halting of operations or compare last year's profit. Also take into account that business might be slow after the lockdown as many will remain cooped up in their homes. This, along with possible reduced operational capacity, may further compound financial losses for the foreseeable future.
#3 Calculate and Stick to New Budget
The first step to offsetting the financial damages caused by the lockdown is to determine the essential expenses and creating a budget. For example, hiring new personnel to ramp up sales and offset the losses will cost the company in the short-term. It is crucial to stick to a budget so that the company will have funding if and whenever another lockdown happens.
#4 Re-asses Business Targets
As business owners, you must have a clear picture of the targets the company must hit to stay afloat or bounce back. Check your financial statements to see where the company needs to be, performance-wise to prosper. These targets must be clear and realistic for you to be able to create a sound strategy.
#5 Create a New Plan B
If worse comes to worst, new challenges might hit your company such as new lockdowns or restrictions. Having a new Plan B that takes this possibility into account can hugely affect how the company deals with the problem or how fast the company can bounce back. Create multiple contingencies that will help the company weather another financial storm.
Although hard, it is completely possible to bounce back after these trying times. Remember that "Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than the one you had before." - Elizabeth Edwards.